Separate Popular, Trending and Upcoming pages in grid view

6 votes

On the discover page, the Popular, Trending or Upcoming section, a user on a desktop device must use the arrows to display 4 items at the time + on a mobile device only 1 movie at the time.
This is really painful if a user is simply looking for upcoming movies > looking the details > going back to the discover page > spam the navigation arrow to continue his search.
Another suggestion proposed to remember the navigation position of those carousels, but this one has been rejected due to technical complexity.

Would it be possible instead to make the Popular, Trending and Upcoming section titles clickable so a user can display all, for example Upcoming movies/series, in a grid view like the search results?
Having a grid of 30/60 movies to scroll is less painful than spamming carousel arrows.
See attached a quick mockup of the idea by disabling the carousel and adding flex-wrap.

Of course, the page hierarchy has to be considered as the search url is actually /discover/SEARCH_STRING

Planned Suggested by: hdebeuf Upvoted: 21 Aug, '23 Comments: 0

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